OP has a new ending and opening. They are, together, the best since Believe and Glory/Shouchinosuke, my two favorite endings and opening. I like the songs, LOVE the animation, and the only thing I don't like is Robin's clothes in the ending (leopard print, while definitely 'in' this autumn, is not my cuppa.)
The last chapter was just WAI WAI. First off, splashpage, hello~~~~~~~ Alabasta guard aka folks who have to carry Vivi's luggage. Pell and Chaka and Igaram, oh MY.
The rest of the chapter was so awesome. Chock full of action; sometimes I didn't know where to look on the page - not because it was busy, but because it was so full of great stuff. New powers, crazy masks, Luffy - stuck, Galle-la everywhere. But what did Iceburg do? Eat kittens? I think he did. And I really hope his mouse wasn't in his breast pocket.
I have received some submission for ST. I really need to update that site. Believe it or not, I have ten pages of Smut Garden around here somewhere, ready to go. I just am so lazy busy.
Note: You can see in the cap where Ace first appears, that he is holding an apple. Look closely. That is significant! Then in the next cap, Nico and Ace are in the same shot.
Obviously somebody got my letter! *sigh* Theirluvissosubliminalhawt.
If you're not reading Lock and Bastion...then what do I need to do? Do I have to come to your house? You don't want that; it'll be like Jehovah's Witnesses witnessing you - with pain. So save yourself the religious conversion and get your eyes over to Lock and Bastion. Because. You. Will. Love. It.
Jessica, if you're wondering why I'm fangirling at this particular moment, it's because of the whole fourth chapter. I love the island design - that stadium is AWESOME. I love the natives. It is combining my love of pirate-y One Piece and taiko drumming and men in grass skirts into this one h00j fan-fest. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Oh, did I mention my indebtedness and total gratitude for the picture of Nathan x Kandy? LOVE the eye-roll. XD
Will talk more about OP later! - this has been brought to you by Fangirls for Lock and Bastion.
I only now realized that the Nico/Ace/Zoro shrine is called Lover's Rock! That was my favorite boutique in Japan and one of their lines was full of the pirate! My favorite piratey socks and my favorite watch are from there (because I could never actually fit into/afford the real clothes.) Yay for Lover's Rock! Yay for hawt threesome action!
OP 340: Dear Oda you are an evil genius. You make my life worth living, you had me at pirates, etc.
Kohza-tatchi are getting ready to 'inspect' the onsen. I note that Kohza is heading towards the women's side. To inspect it of course. There are no ulterior motives.
Kohza *explaining to mole man*: We have to make sure they're all up to code. For example, there has to be at least a five foot gap at the top of the main wall between the men's and women's side. There also has to be one ladder for every man that enters the baths and -
Flashback to the Palace, earlier that week:
Cobra: - and all new onsens must have a five foot gap at the top of the main wall -
Scribe: *writes down*
Igaram *thinking*: The king is such a perv.
But the story inside is amazing! So much funny stuff and so much sad stuff. Poor Robin. I think Luffy needs to shake some sense into her again. He owns her after all - he saved her life and he's responsible for it. So she just can't wander off because she's trying to 'save' them. I hate when people try to make decisions that affect you without even getting your opinion. Luffy and the crew get should be allowed some input in that decision too. I think is where Zoro was going at the end of the chapter.
I am not sure if Iceberg is shady or not. He *does* talk to mice after all. I think the rest of the shipwrights are on the up and up but him... I wonder.