I return - like a pirate bursting out of a barrel after a nice nap!
AX was, to quote the vernacular, rawkin. It was great to put faces to the names and handles. I loved hanging out with the KF crew/Small Friendlies; it was the whole reason I came out to California - the con was just an added bonu.
I didn't go to too much programming. Between feeling like I'd been beaten with noodles (I was SUPAA active before I actually got to Anaheim and tired myself out) and hanging out with the gang, I didn't really want to sit and listen and discuss anime - especially when I could do that exact same activity and say NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!111!1! in the midst of the conversation. I did go with Mucktron to half an AMV panel which was interesting to Me (emphasis on me), half a VIZ panel (once again interesting because there was mention of intellectual property ...mmmmmmmlaw) and at the Karaoke heard the best anime song EVAR, the theme to Big O. Sing it with me - Big 0! Big 0! Big 0!
Cosplay was amazing.Mucktron has pictures.Jakobobobobo organized the madness just like the planning type Kuro he was. I bow down to Blonde!Hina's coat - so kewl. But I had canon OMGPINK hair so I can pretend to be superior. (Check out Sanji making eyes at Hina. I love that pic. So silly XD.) And Hina totally approves of Tashigi making out with her quarry dispensing justice. ignorethehyenagirlomgIlookstonedandorcrazy
I loved hanging out with everyone. Shiru, the protein chips and water saved me in Death Valley so I really appreciate it. I did not cry in the car as I drove away because Marines neither dance nor cry BUT I am sending you the BIGGEST HUGGLES EVAR. (holds up arm with X on it)
Bialy and Nik, guess what? Scans coming your way. My JanKu is smutless but the art is Cosmo Scene and there is one that truly highlights what a completely manipulative bastard Kuro is. X3 On the Alabasta side, I believe that all will agree that I have now in my posession the prettiest Pell doujinshi cover ever. It is so silly and cute and there are no quadruple amputees in it.
I got to see some Samurai Champloo courtesy of Shiru, Henry, and their computer. Mmmm, glasses and sharp things; I'm in love.
I probably forgot something but I have to go. The car smells like ripe bananas and I have lots of laundry to do.
:: 3:48 PM
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