:: Pirates in Petticoats ::

One Piece - that's it
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:: once you go black...
:: for JUSTICE
:: [K-ple-[kohza x vivi]
:: --------[nico x ace]
:: weird pairing ~ nico x ace
:: *i won't forget bellemere
:: Serious Smoker Fan!
Asskicker! // bellemere
Kuina is a Swordswoman!
i am ~ tashigi
anime garden::nico robin::belladonna
i'm a manga whore!
i love to plant seeds of Evil
in the smut garden
[nakama | bartender]
{lovely spam : OP spam}
Y xZ= XD
reins = licky evil fangirl
[i am... niigo]
real to me
yum yum! lime
underappreciated ~ kohza
*nosebleeds* kohza
AMILF - kohza
major to me - kohza
ussop is a pimp
Ikou: Luffy love!
Fleur Du Diable: Nico Robin
face of evil :: kuro
kuro ** sober
Weapon || kuro's || cat paws
argh! a pirate's life for me
i love nana
+ gutter trash +
inked:: i in i

:: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 ::

Reins I am muy honored! And the skin...yumlooks great.

In other news, I was listening to a Naruto ep and did you know that Yuriko Yamaguchi, aka Nico Robin, did Snake-Face's female persona's voice during the Forest of Death test? Um. My mind is scarred by the turn it took - snakes sprouting in wrong places, etc. Yup. Mental scars.

What else? Not much. This new arc should be interesting.

Oh WAIT. I forgot to mention that I have cable internet. That means lots and lots of pornanime to watch! I am so excited and have not left the computer except to eat, work, and take over the world. That's because, in my mind, my computer looks like this. OMGNOSHIRT! You'd stay inside too if you were deluded thusly.

:: 9:52 PM [+] ::

:: Monday, May 17, 2004 ::
Bialy, your recent road trip comics had me cracking up. (And not coz I was mentioned - not at all!) I wish I could draw. Then I would steal your idea and make a whole slew of comics while driving around this summer. Can you see me and the Sadistic Spirit of Kuro at such national treasures like the Grand Canyon or Las Vegas? I can't either, but it would be funny. To a select group of people. Consisting of one. Ie me.

Newest OP chapter - so we get a shower scene with Robin and there's still no Ace? The gawds are cruel. But in all seriousness, we're either going to see Robin trying to hightail it off the GMG at some point (but how? is there a lifeboat she can take?)or a major flashback. I am hoping for the latter, but not holding my breath either.
:: 4:21 PM [+] ::

:: Thursday, May 13, 2004 ::
AX stuff YOU PAY ATTENTION!!! I am going to have something made for AX. I was going to do hats, but though I love you all, it's way too expensive. I figured I could swing some nifty buttons or magnets though. So here's the deal for all you AXers and by all you, I mean that I know you a little and you will be at AX. This is not for roomies only. I want to spread the JOY!!!

1) Magnets or buttons?

2) We need something to go above the (AX 2004). It can't be "I will cat slut for Folken" because the guy who's making it goes to the church and that would bring up lots of questions I frankly do not want to answer. Other options so far:

a) Marine symbol from OP above AX 2004 - that's kinda specific though and some people are not all about OP.
b) "Catgirl, please" which I came up with after hearing "beeyatch, please" in the school today. And I think most of our group can get behind that sentiment, some more than others.
d) A Hidden Haz Village symbol. COZ YOU ALL WANT ME TO BE HAZKAGE!1!!! <- once again, kinda specific.

The only requirements are a) both fanbois and fangrrls can get behind the slogan/symbol (no sexism or genderism or self-hate racism) and b) previously mentioned maker of things will not go to the reverend out of fear for my soul.

Now submit you people!!!
:: 5:10 PM [+] ::

:: Sunday, May 09, 2004 ::
That's a bit better. Back to the old school original.

You know "Talk like a Pirate Day?" My friend likes to take it one further and make it "Talk and Act like a Pirate at Bars Day." This year we decided to take it one step further still. Instead of going to bars, we will dress up like pirates, buy kegs, pack up a grill, rent canoes and take over an island in the Maumee River. Come join us!
:: 12:32 PM [+] ::

:: Saturday, May 08, 2004 ::
Angelfire caught on to my pirating ways and I didn't think everyone wanted to see "Image Hosted By Angelfire" at the top of the blog. So I did this instead. It is in "eyegouging Pink that is the New Black" and "Tupping Liberty Yellow." Perhaps I will do something more piratey themed later. At the moment, I am going to make toast and watch Kill Bill Vol. 1 - Japanese style - now with more red blood!
:: 10:10 AM [+] ::

:: Friday, May 07, 2004 ::
A relationship meme from chibi heebee.

Mother/Child Relationship: Let me jump on that bandwagon and say Bellemere gets second place for Mother of the Year. My mom wins first.

Father/Child Relationship: Jiyu Nanohana and Sai Nanohana from Jubei-chan. Their relationship is as silly as the anime.

Brother/Brother Relationship: Luffy and Ace by far. They are just perfect brothers... one to play video games with and one to make out with.

Sister/Sister Relationship: Naria and Erya from Escaflowne. The inspiration for "I would cat slut for Folken."

Brother/Sister Relationship: Touga and Nanami. Not because it's a particularly good relationship, but in the first bit of Utena it offered a lot of laughs. Later it was sad. Nanami really deserved a better family than she had; I don't think she would have been quite as grasping of power if she felt she had a little stability and a place in her own family.

Female/Female Friendship Maron and Miyako from Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. How many friends denounce what you do but still love you anyway?

Male/Female Friendship Ed and Ein from Cowboy Bebop. Male and female, dog and human, genius and idiot savant - the yin and yang of the space faring, bounty hunting universe.

Male/Male Friendship Onizuka and Ryuuji. They are the epitome of manly biker friendship.

Sensei/Student Friendship Piccolo and Gohan. With Gohan, I sing loud and I sing proud - "DAISUUUUUUUKI PICCOLO-SAN!"

Male/Female Romance: Parn and Deedlit. Because if I close my eyes it's Kohza being romantical!1!!!

Female/Female Romance: Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune. They were tragical and Uranus came thisclose to saying "Screw you, princess!" whenever Neptune was in trouble. That's true Sailor devotion, that is.

Male/Male Romance: I can't think of anything except Seishirou and Subaru. Which isn't bad; it just means that I really don't read/watch a lot of shonen-ai or yaoi series.

Male/Female Possible Romance: Shinohara and Yankumi from Gokusen. I say possible because nothing has really happened yet (plus I get these Shin vibes - ew!) but it should!

Female/Female Possible Romance: Linna and Priss. And it wasn't Priss who was all blushy because she was thinking dirty thoughts while they were getting into the second version suits. Just admit it, Linna, Priss is hawt.

Male/Male Possible Romance: Itachi and Kisame! Because I taught about sharks in biology today and know way too much about functioning claspers now.

Human/Inanimate Object Romance: Akio and his car. Nuff said.
:: 11:01 PM [+] ::

:: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 ::
OP. 320 - Whoa is all I can say. That and RUN OMG RUN CHOPPER AND USSOP!

The "Smoker Two Joints" video project is going along like gangbusters again. There was a derailment when I, in all my anal yet retentive joy, erased some important files that were being used by the program - so I had to go back, re-rip a few VOBs and stuff. It added about five hours more work onto the stupid thing, but I persevere so YOU can enjoy the fruits of my labor.

Okay. You got me. I persevere so I can enjoy watching Ace get his face smooshed into rubble over and over again.
:: 5:11 PM [+] ::