:: Pirates in Petticoats ::

One Piece - that's it
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:: once you go black...
:: for JUSTICE
:: [K-ple-[kohza x vivi]
:: --------[nico x ace]
:: weird pairing ~ nico x ace
:: *i won't forget bellemere
:: Serious Smoker Fan!
Asskicker! // bellemere
Kuina is a Swordswoman!
i am ~ tashigi
anime garden::nico robin::belladonna
i'm a manga whore!
i love to plant seeds of Evil
in the smut garden
[nakama | bartender]
{lovely spam : OP spam}
Y xZ= XD
reins = licky evil fangirl
[i am... niigo]
real to me
yum yum! lime
underappreciated ~ kohza
*nosebleeds* kohza
AMILF - kohza
major to me - kohza
ussop is a pimp
Ikou: Luffy love!
Fleur Du Diable: Nico Robin
face of evil :: kuro
kuro ** sober
Weapon || kuro's || cat paws
argh! a pirate's life for me
i love nana
+ gutter trash +
inked:: i in i

:: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 ::

You know the random doujinshi I mentioned below with the Marine "theirluvissosurgeongeneral" and Desert Tru Lov and yes, Ace hitting on Makino (this badly remembered adlib courtesy of heebee: "You gave me meat as a child. So I'm here to return the favor. *unzip*") You know that one?

Some beeyatch bot sniped that from me. OH THE HUMANITY!

edit: But on the other hand, my bestest bud from Japan sent me some wild and crazy stuff. She never quite got my obsession with OP but man, did she know about it. Y-Shoppe and 7-11 was chock full of randomness and she got to see me go "WHOOT! Luffy AIRPLANE!" and basically make an ass of myself at four in the morning when we got the munchies after karaoke.

Well, that was non-essential exposition BUT the point IS that she sent me a care package and just grabbed anything with pirates on it and put it in a box! So I have some funny stuff - little seals and some figures that if you collect the whole set makes the going merry and this interesting OP tin that will match my Beckham tin and, last but not least, Chanmerry. I am not sure what Chanmerry is. It is a drink and looks a bit like transparent Bikkle. Frightening, but the OP crew seems to be enjoying it on the front and I'm too lazy to try and translate the ingredients which will probably be a list of chemicals anyway.

Oh Keito. Did you know at this time last year we were drinking sake in Miyoshi Park? And throwing soba noodles at cats? Yes we were.

Goes off to pout and cry
:: 5:33 PM [+] ::

:: Saturday, March 20, 2004 ::
I bid a fond farewell to the blogs of both Shiru and Chou-kun. We knew them well and they delighted us all. Now they are gone and our world is a little less bright because of their absence.

I also bid - on this. ^^
:: 3:50 PM [+] ::

:: Friday, March 19, 2004 ::
I ordered Weekly Jump from the Japanese supply store. It came today. It's WJ12 which means I'm going to get them about two weeks after their release in Japan. Perhaps I seem crazy, but I really don't mind waiting two weeks and paying twice the cover price so that I can hold the actual book in my hand.

The time it takes to dl all the series I like out of there is really a pain in the bum, especially with this shite-y connection. I really followed OP and to a different extent, Naruto, but I always looked at Bleach, Black Cat, and Shaman King. And I've never actually tried to find scans, but the likelihood of finding KochiKame is not so good which is sad because it's really funny. Then again, the internet is a miraculous fount of information etc. But it still takes up too much time and I can't cut out any of the pictures to make inspirational wall collages.

Lessee. All those series I mentioned PLUS Deathnote. That was a one-shot at one time, wasn't it? I'm glad they picked it up. It was decently freaky. Horror manga is good stuff.

Meh. I wish they'd put blank pages in for Ichigo100% and Yu-Gi-Oh. Ichigo100% grates. Maybe it's because of the splash pages. This week's shows one of the characters dressed up in a maid's uniform that is covered in tiny strawberries and holding an automatic weapon. And let me tell you, the way she's holding just makes me shake my head. SO STUPID.

Yup, so blank pages for those two series. Or better yet more color pictures of Smoker in a baseball uniform Japanese body hair removal systems.

Yay! Now I have a reason to go to the shop, buy me that delicioso Georgia Original that keeps me up at nights, and sip on it as I leisurely thumb through my thick thick book o' manga. Say it with me. Mmmmmmm-manga!
:: 5:58 PM [+] ::

:: Monday, March 15, 2004 ::
My best male friend said that all a guy wants for his birthday is a girl to show up on his doorstep, naked, with beer and pizza. So, for Smoker, on his birthday...

One out of three ain't bad.
:: 9:58 PM [+] ::

:: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 ::

Title: Coin and Conduct
Pairing: Smoker/Hina
Rating: PG-13 though I have no idea what's allowed in those anymore these days
Summary: Set in their early career.

:: 9:07 PM [+] ::

:: Friday, March 05, 2004 ::
(The Captain's Quarters. Hina is dutifully doing her duty paperwork.)

Marine (outside): PIRATES!

(There is mad rushing about outside the door. Hina sighs, puts her pen away, files the papers, pushes in her chair, double checks to make everything is in its proper place, checks herself out in the full length mirror (though she tells herself its to check her uniform), and walks out the door.)

Hina: I want a report right -


(Confetti falls. There are cheers.)

Hina: ...

Jango: And now -

Fullbody: For the one and only -

Jango: Most striking -

Fullbody: Best dressed -

Jango: Drop dead gorgeous -

Fullbody: Captain of the Marines!

Fullbody: *dance move*

Jango: *another dance move*

Jango and Fullbody: NOW!

(Fireworks go off. The night sky is lit up with the sparkling words "HAPPY 32ND BIRTHDAY HINA JOU!!!")

Hina: You.... did this ... for me?

(There is a tiny sparkle in the corner of Hina's eye. A hint of a tear?)

Hina: I - I don't ...

Fullbody: Don't say anything!

Jango: No need for words! Your tears of gratitude are -


(She slams the door shut. Silence.)

Marine Cook (bursts out of galley with giant four tier pink cake): Who wants cake?!


Jango: Well. It is cake.

Fullbody: That's true. Can't let it go to waste.

(The crew silently cuts and eats the birthday cake and in the Captain's Quarters...)

Hina: Only one person could have told my crew my age. Hina revenge will be MINE.

(Somewhere Smoker sneezes.)

:: 9:00 PM [+] ::