(The GMG has just landed on Crystal Lake Island. Like they do, the crew jumps off to explore. Zoro was nominated to be left behind to watch the ship. He was asleep when the vote was taken.)
(Zoro wakes. A misty twilights covers the ship.)
(Something is not right! His hands drop to the three blades at his side.)
Kuina (in the sword): Huh? What was that?
(There is a noise above, near the mikan trees.)
Kuina: Well, whatever you do, don't go upstairs.
(Zoro goes upstairs.)
Kuina: No! Why are you going up the stairs?!
(Zoro inches towards the mikans. They throw eerie shadows in the twilight, even though there are only four of them.)
Kuina: No! Don't go into the mikans!
(Zoro goes into the mikans.)
Kuina: IDIOT!!!
(Zoro steps into the dark mikan grove o' doom (TM). He hears a rustle in the leaves and steps forward - )
(It was just a ripe mikan falling to the ground.)
Kuina: I knew that.
(Zoro blocks a slash! The undead bulk that is Jason is attacking!!!!)
Kuina: Change up, Zoro. Use that stupid demon sword to block. This guy hasn't cleaned his machete in ages.
(Zoro and Jason fight in the mikans!)
Kuina: EW! Did I just get old brains on me?
(Three slashes tear across Jason's body. He falls backward into the trees. Zoro grins ebilly.)
Kuina: You idiot, don't put me away! He's gonna -
(Jason roars out of the foliage. But silently because he doesn't really talk. Zoro barely misses being decapitated.)
Zoro: I killed you...
Kuina: He gets at least 2UP.
(Zoro looks at the sword in his hand.)
Zoro: It's useless against him.
Kuina: Excuse ME?
(Zoro dashes to the front of the ship to buy himself time. He yells toward the beach.)
(Like always, Jason manages to cover double the distance with half the steps. He and Zoro are once again locked in mortal combat.)
Kuina: Argh! If only the meathead could hear me! Then I could tell him that Jason -
(Zoro ducks. Jason puts too much power into his swing and falls over the railing into the water below.)
Kuina: - that he doesn't like water so much. Go, Zoro! (pause) And I'm all covered in gore. Whee.
(Zoro frowns. He peers over the railing into the mist.)
Kuina: Did we forget something?
(Zoro is grabbed by the throat! He struggles to keep his balance while Jason raises his machete high -
Zoro loses his grip and they both tumble into the water below. There is much froth and blood.
Then nothing.
Then a hand breaks the surface of the water! Like Lady of the Lake holding Excalibur on high, Zoro holds Wadou Ichimonji on high too.)
Kuina (while Zoro is pulling himself back onto the GMG): Who would have thought the source of Jason's power was a Devil Fruit...
As a poor college student with a penchant for AL baseball, I whiled many an afternoon away getting a sunburn in the bleachers of assorted Midwestern stadiums.
Ya know. The cheap seats in the outfield; where you can ogle all the players with the high definition binoculars you and your friends stole from your fathers. Where us baseball fangrrls came up with the theory that: All other things being equal, the team with the better asses on average will win the game.
Then Reins scans the Arabasta baseball team picture. Whoa. Nik did you SEE that?
Do you know how tight baseball player pants are? They're like leather pants, but ALL-AMERICAN.
I'm doing this instead of stuff I'm supposed to. This is ganked from Memlu
Pick any fanfic I've written - one-shot, epic, unfinished, drabble, whatever - and ask me anything about it. What was I thinking? What allegories/symbolism/etc. is in it? Was I on crack at the time? How did I figure out how to characterize such and such character? Y'know. Anything. I'm obligated by this meme to answer truthfully.
I found a Hina wig. It's not out of my price range and other than the fact it has to be pink (insert blonde versus pink rant here), I think it will do quite nicely.
I haven't looked at Hina's hair recently, but I think the front will need to be trimmed a little shorter.
Thanks to Lise for her extremely helpful resources at Becoming.
:: 10:28 PM
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:: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 ::
Sharnice gave me a copy of the Eyes of Zoro CD. The message and comments - ROFL. When asked which female character Zoro likes best, Kazuya Nakai hems and haws and then tells everyone Odacchi knows. (Odacchi!) When he's asked which female character he likes best he says ... "Ah. Mochiron - NAMI-SUWAN DESU~!"
A SANJI NO MANE! SHOKKU! XD I almost drove my car off the road from laughing so hard. I'm pretty sure the people out there thought I was having a seizure.
I had to skip back to hear what he said after that bit. Once he stopped joking around, he said he likes Vivi best. (Yah!) And then he apologizes. Then when he was presenting his questions to Hirata-san, total JET flashback to elementary school. "Hirata-san, Hirata-san, ano ne..."
Usopp should be "always reaching your goal (or mark)." Who thought of traffic safety? Because they should be taken out and beaten. I don't care how popular a netsuke that is at the temples and shrines. It's stupid for Ussop.
And let us consider Sanji's romance average for the seaon: 0.000. I would think having him around would lower your chances at romance significantly.
:: 4:42 PM
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:: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 ::
Much delayed thanks to Jingu who drew this for moi.
Roz, your comments are wreaking revenge on me for mine. So - serious congratulations in order!!! You're going to do great in college. And don't do anything I wouldn't do.
I know, a very short list.
And in other news.
A small subsect of the Allaoui Moslems believe that the Messiah will be born to a man, since woman is unworthy of such a high honor. Under this supposition, the men in that sect practice Oriental dancing in preparation for the honor to be awarded them someday, that of giving birth to their Deliverer.
This shows that bad mpreg has no restrictions.
:: 5:28 PM
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