First I am vindicated. If Oda married Nami, then I am guessing at some point he was hanging around when they were rehearsing this. All the outfits, to me, will be OFFICIAL ODA APPROVED COSPLAY. I am sure he could have made a biiiiiiiig stink about Hina's hair being blonde. But he didn't and there it is. I also feel pretty cool that my suit was that color (though polyester and not whatever that is.) Next time I must remember the black gloves! Wish I could see her clothes.
And I'm highlighting this picture for a couple reasons. In the foreground is Oda's main squeeze. In the background is Ace. Note that his shorts appear to be made from some leather/spandex hybrid. Note that the actor(cosplayer?) they have is packing a respectable six pack. This is Haz and I approve this cosplayer! *end voiceover*
Here is the link to the other pictures. I have thoughts on all of the pics, but not enough time to link the pics individually, so this will be quick. We know now that to cosplay Robin you need not have teh boobies. Zoro needs to be built-er. Sanji-cosplayer perfected the art of the dangling doobie cigarette. Usopp - score! So good. Luffy seems a little too old? Maybe just a bad picture. Jango and Fullbody? Teehee. And then there's Smoker. But where's Tashigi?! WHERE?!
New Watermark here. Miss Goldenweek contemplates the Art of War. Bracken is such the big-brother figure. an Itachi kind of way. (Okay not THAT bad.)
:: 4:09 PM
[+] ::
:: Saturday, November 20, 2004 ::
Not that anyone gives a flying camel, BUT it is Takeshi Kusao's birthday today. I would put up a Kougaiji image song or something, but that would involve effort and bandwidth. Still, it's something to grog to, as if you needed a reason.
:: 5:59 PM
[+] ::
:: Sunday, October 31, 2004 ::
OP has a new ending and opening. They are, together, the best since Believe and Glory/Shouchinosuke, my two favorite endings and opening. I like the songs, LOVE the animation, and the only thing I don't like is Robin's clothes in the ending (leopard print, while definitely 'in' this autumn, is not my cuppa.)
The last chapter was just WAI WAI. First off, splashpage, hello~~~~~~~ Alabasta guard aka folks who have to carry Vivi's luggage. Pell and Chaka and Igaram, oh MY.
The rest of the chapter was so awesome. Chock full of action; sometimes I didn't know where to look on the page - not because it was busy, but because it was so full of great stuff. New powers, crazy masks, Luffy - stuck, Galle-la everywhere. But what did Iceburg do? Eat kittens? I think he did. And I really hope his mouse wasn't in his breast pocket.
I have received some submission for ST. I really need to update that site. Believe it or not, I have ten pages of Smut Garden around here somewhere, ready to go. I just am so lazy busy.
Note: You can see in the cap where Ace first appears, that he is holding an apple. Look closely. That is significant! Then in the next cap, Nico and Ace are in the same shot.
Obviously somebody got my letter! *sigh* Theirluvissosubliminalhawt.
If you're not reading Lock and Bastion...then what do I need to do? Do I have to come to your house? You don't want that; it'll be like Jehovah's Witnesses witnessing you - with pain. So save yourself the religious conversion and get your eyes over to Lock and Bastion. Because. You. Will. Love. It.
Jessica, if you're wondering why I'm fangirling at this particular moment, it's because of the whole fourth chapter. I love the island design - that stadium is AWESOME. I love the natives. It is combining my love of pirate-y One Piece and taiko drumming and men in grass skirts into this one h00j fan-fest. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Oh, did I mention my indebtedness and total gratitude for the picture of Nathan x Kandy? LOVE the eye-roll. XD
Will talk more about OP later! - this has been brought to you by Fangirls for Lock and Bastion.
I only now realized that the Nico/Ace/Zoro shrine is called Lover's Rock! That was my favorite boutique in Japan and one of their lines was full of the pirate! My favorite piratey socks and my favorite watch are from there (because I could never actually fit into/afford the real clothes.) Yay for Lover's Rock! Yay for hawt threesome action!
OP 340: Dear Oda you are an evil genius. You make my life worth living, you had me at pirates, etc.
Kohza-tatchi are getting ready to 'inspect' the onsen. I note that Kohza is heading towards the women's side. To inspect it of course. There are no ulterior motives.
Kohza *explaining to mole man*: We have to make sure they're all up to code. For example, there has to be at least a five foot gap at the top of the main wall between the men's and women's side. There also has to be one ladder for every man that enters the baths and -
Flashback to the Palace, earlier that week:
Cobra: - and all new onsens must have a five foot gap at the top of the main wall -
Scribe: *writes down*
Igaram *thinking*: The king is such a perv.
But the story inside is amazing! So much funny stuff and so much sad stuff. Poor Robin. I think Luffy needs to shake some sense into her again. He owns her after all - he saved her life and he's responsible for it. So she just can't wander off because she's trying to 'save' them. I hate when people try to make decisions that affect you without even getting your opinion. Luffy and the crew get should be allowed some input in that decision too. I think is where Zoro was going at the end of the chapter.
I am not sure if Iceberg is shady or not. He *does* talk to mice after all. I think the rest of the shipwrights are on the up and up but him... I wonder.
It was so funny in a sad, but honestly funny kind of way.
The opening song made me die. I got through about thirty seconds of it then cracked up. It was soooooooooo silly. It was a pirate rap shoulda been done by Eminem.
OMGwhatwhatWHAT? Nami says "I guess that makes Alvida the number two lady pirate on the sea?" Nami HATES pirates. She would never consider herself one. Argh. Continuity problem already. That's going to either totally bite them on the butt or it means they've done some crazy shite to the Arlong Park Arc.
And this ep highlights what a complete weenie Coby is. They should have kept in the bit where Luffy hits him to show kids at home that if you are weenie, you will be beaten.
Jeez, some of things Alvida says are just really...suspect. Yes. I will say no more.
The Navy change grates on me (but what a decent change job for the ships.) I like how in Japanese it means navy but is Marines on the buildings - because they do both of the jobs. Trust me, you would never see a Navy contingent in the middle of a desert country trying to stop a civil war. But you wouldn't really see the Marines commanding a flotilla either. So the dual Japanese thing worked. Now American kids are going to get all confused with their military branches...
"You ate 'cur-sed' fruit?" - yikes that's awkward.
Gum Gum Blast for Pistol; stupid soccer moms!
ZoLO. ZoLO. Muwahahahahaha!
Luffy - Just okay. Mayumi Tanaka ownz joo!
Alvida - Did she remind anyone of a WWE wrestler? But skip ahead to the Loguetown arc and she's going to be all Steel Magnolia sexay. Yes she is.
Coby - Yup. that sounds like a Coby to me.
Nami - Sounds too young for an 18 year old, but I had imagined much worse. Like Bulma worse.
Random sailors at beginning - VERY GOOD. Best VAs throughout the show.
I'm curious to hear Buggy in English, other than that - well, it was fun for a laugh but that's about all. I wouldn't get up early in the morning to see it that's for sure.
Don't forget everyone! Tomorrow is Talk Like a Pirate Day! But why not take it one step further and act like a pirate! I will be wearing my "We prefer to be called Buccaneer Americans" shirt from (they have ninjas and monkeys too for other days) and will be ending my evening so soused with rum that I will slur all my pirate words together into one big 'bllllllllaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrfffffffffffffff.'
I hope at least. Bring forth the canoes! It is time to take back the tiny island in the middle of the river from the Spanish! AVAST!
You are The Cap'n!
Some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some slit the throats of any man that stands between them and the mantle of power. You never met a man you couldn't eviscerate. Not that mindless violence is the only avenue open to you - but why take an avenue when you have complete freeway access? You are the definitive Man of Action. You are James Bond in a blousy shirt and drawstring-fly pants. Your swash was buckled long ago and you have never been so sure of anything in your life as in your ability to bend everyone to your will. You will call anyone out and cut off their head if they show any sign of taking you on or backing down. You cannot be saddled with tedious underlings, but if one of your lieutenants shows an overly developed sense of ambition he may find more suitable accommodations in Davy Jones' locker. That is, of course, IF you notice him. You tend to be self absorbed - a weakness that may keep you from seeing enemies where they are and imagining them where they are not.
Too bad you can't do your doujin adventaas. You would quadruple your profits since you have so many done already.
Soooo....OP 335. Did anyone else call who might be suspected for Iceburg's assassination attempt? Is someone attempting a frameup? Or was our dahling Robin-chwan seduced by some pretty heavy information on what she seeks? Or does this all relate back to a promised reappearance of an Alabasta Arc character?
And what of Ussop and the GMG? Who was that mysterious person in Skypeia who worked on the ship? Does that have anything to do with anything?
I can ask the questions, but speculating is pointless. Oda has led me on a merry chase before - I am sure he will do so again.
I haven't seen the 5th movie yet and feel behind, but I barely have time to do anything. I make time for Champloo being the samurai whore that I am. From word of mouth, I might not be missing too much except preggers!Zoro and some decent Luffy and Usopp silly moments.
I wonder if they'll ever put out another OP sketch book type thing. I can't think of what it's called but I have the third one and there's some good sketches in it as well as a 'how tall is everyone' comparison chart. The third one covered up to Drum, so the fourth would be Alabasta. I really would like that alot - just so I could compare Chaka and Miss Monday's height. For no reason whatsoever....
Speaking of badfic, yikes it's really multiplying over at the old Pit. I think everyone jumped down that sakura haruko tsunami banzai chick's throat about Vivi's continuing adventures aka rapist!Kohza. I know I'm rabidly pro-rebel, so probably not the most reliable person when it comes to perceived character defamation but still. STILL. It was sooooooooooooooo bad.
I'm kinda missing a few people. Shiru, Jen, Dev and others are pretty much radio silent recently. Not that I don't understand; real life is a bitch. I'm totally ditching work atm to even update - but still. I like chatter. It's teh good stuff and reminds me that there are things outside of my apartment.
On a final note, yay for crossover seiyuus and the indelible image in my head of Jiraiya with a bunny fetish. (...odd that Nii is probably getting more consistent action than Jiraiya ever did...)
I haven't had time to sift through any of the sand at in hopes of finding fiction gold, but Bialy risked her very mind reading something that advertises itself as JanKu (LOTSSAA). And from her entry it sounded horrific.
It was. I think the painful plural form 'nakamas' ranks up there on my list of argh!Fangirl Japanese.
Also these words cannot be used to describe Kuro - laughing, grinning, smiling - unless sinister, evil etc are used somewhere else around there.
Bialy pointed out that Kuro is a weepy little girl who snuggles. But he also watched Titantic as proven in the following quote.
“Jango. If I died you would not follow me. I want you to live out the rest of your life, with or without me.” Kuro said, looking into Jango’s eyes.
You jump, I jump right? And then Kuro froze to death in the icy Atlantic and Jango waved bye as his body sank to the depths of the ocean where it was eaten by lobsters and sperm whales the end.
I think that is my FAVORITE part. Because it hurts so bad. "Live Jango! If I cannot kill you, don't let anyone else do it! That's like cheating!"
And then she confesses to her crimes.
Mah fave part of this chappie was WHEE A FLASHEDYBACK. Lol. Gah my writing is horrible. It is 2:53 in ze morning.
Not horrible - just so OOC it hurts mah precious hella bad.
Final Judgement: It doesn't distinguish itself as worse than any other OOC fic out. I think most readers will find it mediocre painful at worse. It says it's yaoi but a better designation would be 'yaoi lite with less carbs' because a shirt removing and some kissing does not a yaoi fic make. You need more beads, bondage or pink for that.
I return - like a pirate bursting out of a barrel after a nice nap!
AX was, to quote the vernacular, rawkin. It was great to put faces to the names and handles. I loved hanging out with the KF crew/Small Friendlies; it was the whole reason I came out to California - the con was just an added bonu.
I didn't go to too much programming. Between feeling like I'd been beaten with noodles (I was SUPAA active before I actually got to Anaheim and tired myself out) and hanging out with the gang, I didn't really want to sit and listen and discuss anime - especially when I could do that exact same activity and say NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!111!1! in the midst of the conversation. I did go with Mucktron to half an AMV panel which was interesting to Me (emphasis on me), half a VIZ panel (once again interesting because there was mention of intellectual property ...mmmmmmmlaw) and at the Karaoke heard the best anime song EVAR, the theme to Big O. Sing it with me - Big 0! Big 0! Big 0!
Cosplay was amazing.Mucktron has pictures.Jakobobobobo organized the madness just like the planning type Kuro he was. I bow down to Blonde!Hina's coat - so kewl. But I had canon OMGPINK hair so I can pretend to be superior. (Check out Sanji making eyes at Hina. I love that pic. So silly XD.) And Hina totally approves of Tashigi making out with her quarry dispensing justice. ignorethehyenagirlomgIlookstonedandorcrazy
I loved hanging out with everyone. Shiru, the protein chips and water saved me in Death Valley so I really appreciate it. I did not cry in the car as I drove away because Marines neither dance nor cry BUT I am sending you the BIGGEST HUGGLES EVAR. (holds up arm with X on it)
Bialy and Nik, guess what? Scans coming your way. My JanKu is smutless but the art is Cosmo Scene and there is one that truly highlights what a completely manipulative bastard Kuro is. X3 On the Alabasta side, I believe that all will agree that I have now in my posession the prettiest Pell doujinshi cover ever. It is so silly and cute and there are no quadruple amputees in it.
I got to see some Samurai Champloo courtesy of Shiru, Henry, and their computer. Mmmm, glasses and sharp things; I'm in love.
I probably forgot something but I have to go. The car smells like ripe bananas and I have lots of laundry to do.
:: 3:48 PM
[+] ::
:: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 ::
I'm leaving tomorrow at 6 am. Posting will be sporadic at best (I say that now...ha, I bet I'll find a connection everyday.) I hope to return with awesome pictures from AX, good memories, and a shitload of writing done.
Yeah Shar, I'm devilspawn. My dad denies paternity even.
Um...FB, you can kill me later for driving up Haku's bandwidth if you wish but I am making the general announcement that Smoker Two Joints can be dled from If you enjoy it, drop me a line.
Now I bring to you, top ten reasons you know you're a barmaid.
1. You can buy all your groceries with the change from tips.
2. Your signature smell is Eau de Febreze.
3. You can identify any liquor by feel of the bottle alone.
4. You have an 'Inner Barmaid' that is swearing most of the time.
5. You can open two to three twist off beer bottle caps at once.
6. You will never order certain drinks because you know how long it takes the waitstaff to make them.
7. You can calculate 'twenty percent' without even blinking.
8. You believe 'kitchen' is a four letter word.
9. 'Busboy' is another word for 'idiot.' (No really, they're okay.)
10. You could work in a circus with your ability to juggle, dodge and balance.
:: 5:23 PM
[+] ::
For a glorious forty minutes I was in charge at the bar. I was the Proprietor! It was fun. I refilled the peanut bowls. And served absolutely no one because it was two thirty.
Somday I will do that everyday. XD
:: 10:52 AM
[+] ::
:: Saturday, June 05, 2004 ::
Believe it or not, I am not dead.
I finished the Smoker Two Joints video. For the dump leechers, it is in my folder. It is amazingly large because I am an idiot - but two people (FB and her sis) agree that it is sheer jenius. I agree with their opinion and that's a majority of three so it MUST be good. If anyone else wants to see, maybe I'll bring it to AX and we'll watch it on a donated laptop or something. Or not. Whatever.
Water 7 Arc is shaping up to be Kohza-riffic. I mean, um, did anyone notice the Kohza hair on the shipwright guy? I did. I think Reins did too.
I still haven't signed up for the Kohza FL. I am so lazy. *makes note to do so*
:: 3:44 PM
[+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 ::
Reins I am muy honored! And the skin...yumlooks great.
In other news, I was listening to a Naruto ep and did you know that Yuriko Yamaguchi, aka Nico Robin, did Snake-Face's female persona's voice during the Forest of Death test? Um. My mind is scarred by the turn it took - snakes sprouting in wrong places, etc. Yup. Mental scars.
What else? Not much. This new arc should be interesting.
Oh WAIT. I forgot to mention that I have cable internet. That means lots and lots of pornanime to watch! I am so excited and have not left the computer except to eat, work, and take over the world. That's because, in my mind, my computer looks like this. OMGNOSHIRT! You'd stay inside too if you were deluded thusly.
Bialy, your recent road trip comics had me cracking up. (And not coz I was mentioned - not at all!) I wish I could draw. Then I would steal your idea and make a whole slew of comics while driving around this summer. Can you see me and the Sadistic Spirit of Kuro at such national treasures like the Grand Canyon or Las Vegas? I can't either, but it would be funny. To a select group of people. Consisting of one. Ie me.
Newest OP chapter - so we get a shower scene with Robin and there's still no Ace? The gawds are cruel. But in all seriousness, we're either going to see Robin trying to hightail it off the GMG at some point (but how? is there a lifeboat she can take?)or a major flashback. I am hoping for the latter, but not holding my breath either.
:: 4:21 PM
[+] ::
:: Thursday, May 13, 2004 ::
AX stuff YOU PAY ATTENTION!!! I am going to have something made for AX. I was going to do hats, but though I love you all, it's way too expensive. I figured I could swing some nifty buttons or magnets though. So here's the deal for all you AXers and by all you, I mean that I know you a little and you will be at AX. This is not for roomies only. I want to spread the JOY!!!
1) Magnets or buttons?
2) We need something to go above the (AX 2004). It can't be "I will cat slut for Folken" because the guy who's making it goes to the church and that would bring up lots of questions I frankly do not want to answer. Other options so far:
a) Marine symbol from OP above AX 2004 - that's kinda specific though and some people are not all about OP.
b) "Catgirl, please" which I came up with after hearing "beeyatch, please" in the school today. And I think most of our group can get behind that sentiment, some more than others.
d) A Hidden Haz Village symbol. COZ YOU ALL WANT ME TO BE HAZKAGE!1!!! <- once again, kinda specific.
The only requirements are a) both fanbois and fangrrls can get behind the slogan/symbol (no sexism or genderism or self-hate racism) and b) previously mentioned maker of things will not go to the reverend out of fear for my soul.
That's a bit better. Back to the old school original.
You know "Talk like a Pirate Day?" My friend likes to take it one further and make it "Talk and Act like a Pirate at Bars Day." This year we decided to take it one step further still. Instead of going to bars, we will dress up like pirates, buy kegs, pack up a grill, rent canoes and take over an island in the Maumee River. Come join us!
:: 12:32 PM
[+] ::
:: Saturday, May 08, 2004 ::
Angelfire caught on to my pirating ways and I didn't think everyone wanted to see "Image Hosted By Angelfire" at the top of the blog. So I did this instead. It is in "eyegouging Pink that is the New Black" and "Tupping Liberty Yellow." Perhaps I will do something more piratey themed later. At the moment, I am going to make toast and watch Kill Bill Vol. 1 - Japanese style - now with more red blood!
:: 10:10 AM
[+] ::
Mother/Child Relationship: Let me jump on that bandwagon and say Bellemere gets second place for Mother of the Year. My mom wins first.
Father/Child Relationship: Jiyu Nanohana and Sai Nanohana from Jubei-chan. Their relationship is as silly as the anime.
Brother/Brother Relationship: Luffy and Ace by far. They are just perfect brothers... one to play video games with and one to make out with.
Sister/Sister Relationship: Naria and Erya from Escaflowne. The inspiration for "I would cat slut for Folken."
Brother/Sister Relationship: Touga and Nanami. Not because it's a particularly good relationship, but in the first bit of Utena it offered a lot of laughs. Later it was sad. Nanami really deserved a better family than she had; I don't think she would have been quite as grasping of power if she felt she had a little stability and a place in her own family.
Female/Female Friendship Maron and Miyako from Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. How many friends denounce what you do but still love you anyway?
Male/Female Friendship Ed and Ein from Cowboy Bebop. Male and female, dog and human, genius and idiot savant - the yin and yang of the space faring, bounty hunting universe.
Male/Male Friendship Onizuka and Ryuuji. They are the epitome of manly biker friendship.
Sensei/Student Friendship Piccolo and Gohan. With Gohan, I sing loud and I sing proud - "DAISUUUUUUUKI PICCOLO-SAN!"
Male/Female Romance: Parn and Deedlit. Because if I close my eyes it's Kohza being romantical!1!!!
Female/Female Romance: Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune. They were tragical and Uranus came thisclose to saying "Screw you, princess!" whenever Neptune was in trouble. That's true Sailor devotion, that is.
Male/Male Romance: I can't think of anything except Seishirou and Subaru. Which isn't bad; it just means that I really don't read/watch a lot of shonen-ai or yaoi series.
Male/Female Possible Romance: Shinohara and Yankumi from Gokusen. I say possible because nothing has really happened yet (plus I get these Shin vibes - ew!) but it should!
Female/Female Possible Romance: Linna and Priss. And it wasn't Priss who was all blushy because she was thinking dirty thoughts while they were getting into the second version suits. Just admit it, Linna, Priss is hawt.
Male/Male Possible Romance: Itachi and Kisame! Because I taught about sharks in biology today and know way too much about functioning claspers now.
Human/Inanimate Object Romance: Akio and his car. Nuff said.
:: 11:01 PM
[+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 ::
OP. 320 - Whoa is all I can say. That and RUN OMG RUN CHOPPER AND USSOP!
The "Smoker Two Joints" video project is going along like gangbusters again. There was a derailment when I, in all my anal yet retentive joy, erased some important files that were being used by the program - so I had to go back, re-rip a few VOBs and stuff. It added about five hours more work onto the stupid thing, but I persevere so YOU can enjoy the fruits of my labor.
Okay. You got me. I persevere so I can enjoy watching Ace get his face smooshed into rubble over and over again.
:: 5:11 PM
[+] ::
:: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 ::
I have seriously updated the drinks page at Sadistic. I need a drink for Bellemere and will have to start drinkingworking on the Davey Afro Arc later.
:: 6:52 PM
[+] ::
:: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 ::
A short fic. I wish blogger had a cut option...
Title: The Turth Rating: G
Summary: Makino tries something new at Party's and Shanks gets a bright idea. Purposely silly and inspired by bad fortune cookies.
:: 11:33 PM
[+] ::
I just read some old old old threads on K-F and you were so sweet to tell people not to bid on that one doujin. Serious smoochies your way!
:: 7:59 PM
[+] ::
:: Friday, April 23, 2004 ::
Well, that's interesting. And the use of the teddy bear seems apropos.
And then I too was sucked in.
Yikes! I don't remember 'corn' being an agricultural export of Alabasta....
That made me laugh. So did this one.
And now I am stopping because every item used is coming up corn and that's just starting to disturb me.
Okay, not really, but figuring out and then setting approximately sixteen seconds of video to music makes me all giddy. I am easily impressed with myself, as you can see. The details: A random clip video of the Marines chasing and otherwise beating up on Pirates set to Richard Cheese's "Smoke Two Joints." That song is amazingly short, so it will give me time to figure out the program without my also amazingly short attention span kicking in.
Next - setting Evangelion to Pink Floyd's The Wall!
Do you see it? Up in the sky? It's a blue freakin' moon.
Ener: *hides paintbrush*
Update at Sadistic. And look! More leather pants! Here's the beginning for the rest of you who have never read it, or for those who forgot. I know I did. And as everyone knows, links are optional. You're all smart, you'll figure out what to put in the address line.
So we all agree. Pirates versus the Undead. Who wants to write the letter to Oda?
:: 10:41 AM
[+] ::
:: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 ::
No doubt ALL of you have been wondering what I've been doing with my time. Mostly trying to finagle away the Skypiea OP pencilboard my brother's roommate gave to him - and using the Weirding Way, I believe I can accomplish this.
Easter was a blast. Little Bro was home. We watched lots of zombie movies because it was homework. The undead should be in the next OP arc.
I also got the sexxalicious ATI RADEON 9600 amazing card of coolness (tm). That keeps me busy since the hardware involved is smarter than I am. But soon I can release my warped visions upon the world (and finish up the Mother's Day present which has no bearing on OP at all, but whatever.)
Reins, the image is from a pencilboard. They made pencilboards of that particular in-betweener splash adventure series. It was a pity they were out of the one with Sanji and his manly hairy legs. Chou I have no idea why the coyote is wearing Nico's hat. Siblings perhaps? A subtle jab at the resident historian's nature? Oda likes hats? I do not know.
It's dedicated to the massive roadtrip I'm taking to get to AX.
Days = lots.
Miles = lots.
People = me.
Me and America have to get to know each other.
:: 7:42 PM
[+] ::
:: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 ::
You know the random doujinshi I mentioned below with the Marine "theirluvissosurgeongeneral" and Desert Tru Lov and yes, Ace hitting on Makino (this badly remembered adlib courtesy of heebee: "You gave me meat as a child. So I'm here to return the favor. *unzip*") You know that one?
Some beeyatch bot sniped that from me. OH THE HUMANITY!
edit: But on the other hand, my bestest bud from Japan sent me some wild and crazy stuff. She never quite got my obsession with OP but man, did she know about it. Y-Shoppe and 7-11 was chock full of randomness and she got to see me go "WHOOT! Luffy AIRPLANE!" and basically make an ass of myself at four in the morning when we got the munchies after karaoke.
Well, that was non-essential exposition BUT the point IS that she sent me a care package and just grabbed anything with pirates on it and put it in a box! So I have some funny stuff - little seals and some figures that if you collect the whole set makes the going merry and this interesting OP tin that will match my Beckham tin and, last but not least, Chanmerry. I am not sure what Chanmerry is. It is a drink and looks a bit like transparent Bikkle. Frightening, but the OP crew seems to be enjoying it on the front and I'm too lazy to try and translate the ingredients which will probably be a list of chemicals anyway.
Oh Keito. Did you know at this time last year we were drinking sake in Miyoshi Park? And throwing soba noodles at cats? Yes we were.
I bid a fond farewell to the blogs of both Shiru and Chou-kun. We knew them well and they delighted us all. Now they are gone and our world is a little less bright because of their absence.
I ordered Weekly Jump from the Japanese supply store. It came today. It's WJ12 which means I'm going to get them about two weeks after their release in Japan. Perhaps I seem crazy, but I really don't mind waiting two weeks and paying twice the cover price so that I can hold the actual book in my hand.
The time it takes to dl all the series I like out of there is really a pain in the bum, especially with this shite-y connection. I really followed OP and to a different extent, Naruto, but I always looked at Bleach, Black Cat, and Shaman King. And I've never actually tried to find scans, but the likelihood of finding KochiKame is not so good which is sad because it's really funny. Then again, the internet is a miraculous fount of information etc. But it still takes up too much time and I can't cut out any of the pictures to make inspirational wall collages.
Lessee. All those series I mentioned PLUS Deathnote. That was a one-shot at one time, wasn't it? I'm glad they picked it up. It was decently freaky. Horror manga is good stuff.
Meh. I wish they'd put blank pages in for Ichigo100% and Yu-Gi-Oh. Ichigo100% grates. Maybe it's because of the splash pages. This week's shows one of the characters dressed up in a maid's uniform that is covered in tiny strawberries and holding an automatic weapon. And let me tell you, the way she's holding just makes me shake my head. SO STUPID.
Yup, so blank pages for those two series. Or better yet more color pictures of Smoker in a baseball uniform Japanese body hair removal systems.
Yay! Now I have a reason to go to the shop, buy me that delicioso Georgia Original that keeps me up at nights, and sip on it as I leisurely thumb through my thick thick book o' manga. Say it with me. Mmmmmmm-manga!
:: 5:58 PM
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:: Monday, March 15, 2004 ::
My best male friend said that all a guy wants for his birthday is a girl to show up on his doorstep, naked, with beer and pizza. So, for Smoker, on his birthday...
Title: Coin and Conduct
Pairing: Smoker/Hina
Rating: PG-13 though I have no idea what's allowed in those anymore these days
Summary: Set in their early career.
(The Captain's Quarters. Hina is dutifully doing her duty paperwork.)
Marine (outside): PIRATES!
(There is mad rushing about outside the door. Hina sighs, puts her pen away, files the papers, pushes in her chair, double checks to make everything is in its proper place, checks herself out in the full length mirror (though she tells herself its to check her uniform), and walks out the door.)
Hina: I want a report right -
(Confetti falls. There are cheers.)
Hina: ...
Jango: And now -
Fullbody: For the one and only -
Jango: Most striking -
Fullbody: Best dressed -
Jango: Drop dead gorgeous -
Fullbody: Captain of the Marines!
Fullbody: *dance move*
Jango: *another dance move*
Jango and Fullbody: NOW!
(Fireworks go off. The night sky is lit up with the sparkling words "HAPPY 32ND BIRTHDAY HINA JOU!!!")
Hina: You.... did this ... for me?
(There is a tiny sparkle in the corner of Hina's eye. A hint of a tear?)
Hina: I - I don't ...
Fullbody: Don't say anything!
Jango: No need for words! Your tears of gratitude are -
(She slams the door shut. Silence.)
Marine Cook (bursts out of galley with giant four tier pink cake): Who wants cake?!
Jango: Well. It is cake.
Fullbody: That's true. Can't let it go to waste.
(The crew silently cuts and eats the birthday cake and in the Captain's Quarters...)
Hina: Only one person could have told my crew my age. Hina revenge will be MINE.
(The GMG has just landed on Crystal Lake Island. Like they do, the crew jumps off to explore. Zoro was nominated to be left behind to watch the ship. He was asleep when the vote was taken.)
(Zoro wakes. A misty twilights covers the ship.)
(Something is not right! His hands drop to the three blades at his side.)
Kuina (in the sword): Huh? What was that?
(There is a noise above, near the mikan trees.)
Kuina: Well, whatever you do, don't go upstairs.
(Zoro goes upstairs.)
Kuina: No! Why are you going up the stairs?!
(Zoro inches towards the mikans. They throw eerie shadows in the twilight, even though there are only four of them.)
Kuina: No! Don't go into the mikans!
(Zoro goes into the mikans.)
Kuina: IDIOT!!!
(Zoro steps into the dark mikan grove o' doom (TM). He hears a rustle in the leaves and steps forward - )
(It was just a ripe mikan falling to the ground.)
Kuina: I knew that.
(Zoro blocks a slash! The undead bulk that is Jason is attacking!!!!)
Kuina: Change up, Zoro. Use that stupid demon sword to block. This guy hasn't cleaned his machete in ages.
(Zoro and Jason fight in the mikans!)
Kuina: EW! Did I just get old brains on me?
(Three slashes tear across Jason's body. He falls backward into the trees. Zoro grins ebilly.)
Kuina: You idiot, don't put me away! He's gonna -
(Jason roars out of the foliage. But silently because he doesn't really talk. Zoro barely misses being decapitated.)
Zoro: I killed you...
Kuina: He gets at least 2UP.
(Zoro looks at the sword in his hand.)
Zoro: It's useless against him.
Kuina: Excuse ME?
(Zoro dashes to the front of the ship to buy himself time. He yells toward the beach.)
(Like always, Jason manages to cover double the distance with half the steps. He and Zoro are once again locked in mortal combat.)
Kuina: Argh! If only the meathead could hear me! Then I could tell him that Jason -
(Zoro ducks. Jason puts too much power into his swing and falls over the railing into the water below.)
Kuina: - that he doesn't like water so much. Go, Zoro! (pause) And I'm all covered in gore. Whee.
(Zoro frowns. He peers over the railing into the mist.)
Kuina: Did we forget something?
(Zoro is grabbed by the throat! He struggles to keep his balance while Jason raises his machete high -
Zoro loses his grip and they both tumble into the water below. There is much froth and blood.
Then nothing.
Then a hand breaks the surface of the water! Like Lady of the Lake holding Excalibur on high, Zoro holds Wadou Ichimonji on high too.)
Kuina (while Zoro is pulling himself back onto the GMG): Who would have thought the source of Jason's power was a Devil Fruit...
As a poor college student with a penchant for AL baseball, I whiled many an afternoon away getting a sunburn in the bleachers of assorted Midwestern stadiums.
Ya know. The cheap seats in the outfield; where you can ogle all the players with the high definition binoculars you and your friends stole from your fathers. Where us baseball fangrrls came up with the theory that: All other things being equal, the team with the better asses on average will win the game.
Then Reins scans the Arabasta baseball team picture. Whoa. Nik did you SEE that?
Do you know how tight baseball player pants are? They're like leather pants, but ALL-AMERICAN.
I'm doing this instead of stuff I'm supposed to. This is ganked from Memlu
Pick any fanfic I've written - one-shot, epic, unfinished, drabble, whatever - and ask me anything about it. What was I thinking? What allegories/symbolism/etc. is in it? Was I on crack at the time? How did I figure out how to characterize such and such character? Y'know. Anything. I'm obligated by this meme to answer truthfully.
I found a Hina wig. It's not out of my price range and other than the fact it has to be pink (insert blonde versus pink rant here), I think it will do quite nicely.
I haven't looked at Hina's hair recently, but I think the front will need to be trimmed a little shorter.
Thanks to Lise for her extremely helpful resources at Becoming.
:: 10:28 PM
[+] ::
:: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 ::
Sharnice gave me a copy of the Eyes of Zoro CD. The message and comments - ROFL. When asked which female character Zoro likes best, Kazuya Nakai hems and haws and then tells everyone Odacchi knows. (Odacchi!) When he's asked which female character he likes best he says ... "Ah. Mochiron - NAMI-SUWAN DESU~!"
A SANJI NO MANE! SHOKKU! XD I almost drove my car off the road from laughing so hard. I'm pretty sure the people out there thought I was having a seizure.
I had to skip back to hear what he said after that bit. Once he stopped joking around, he said he likes Vivi best. (Yah!) And then he apologizes. Then when he was presenting his questions to Hirata-san, total JET flashback to elementary school. "Hirata-san, Hirata-san, ano ne..."
Usopp should be "always reaching your goal (or mark)." Who thought of traffic safety? Because they should be taken out and beaten. I don't care how popular a netsuke that is at the temples and shrines. It's stupid for Ussop.
And let us consider Sanji's romance average for the seaon: 0.000. I would think having him around would lower your chances at romance significantly.
:: 4:42 PM
[+] ::
:: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 ::
Much delayed thanks to Jingu who drew this for moi.
Roz, your comments are wreaking revenge on me for mine. So - serious congratulations in order!!! You're going to do great in college. And don't do anything I wouldn't do.
I know, a very short list.
And in other news.
A small subsect of the Allaoui Moslems believe that the Messiah will be born to a man, since woman is unworthy of such a high honor. Under this supposition, the men in that sect practice Oriental dancing in preparation for the honor to be awarded them someday, that of giving birth to their Deliverer.
This shows that bad mpreg has no restrictions.
:: 5:28 PM
[+] ::
:: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 ::
Chou, how could you possibly think I would *threaten* people? Seriously, it was Begging no Jutsu right down to the excuses and thrusting of my not so ample bosom at the fanboy guarding the door.
I was thinking about cosplaying at AX. I don't want to enter any contests, I just want to wander around aimlessly like the Halloween loving girl I am. So I have a suit which is mildly Hina-like.
Will this color fly? I think it's a bit purple-ish but at the same time, I have no desire to make an effort. If I wear a pink wig, I figure that all those in the OP know will get the picture. And those that aren't, won't. Yea or Nays? Comments?
Weatherwise, Ohayocon was held on probably the worst weekend evar. Sleet, snow, freezing rain; the excitement never stops in Columbus Ohio.
I spent Friday night with friends and attempted to contact Shar at the number she had given me in her email. The evil beeyatch at the hotel desk insisted that there was no one of that name staying at the hotel. I was Not Pleased with that woman; she was the only obstacle between me and Shar meeting in flesh and blood! But there was a Plan B: Recognizable clothing. I knew what Shar was wearing and prayed I would see her.
My friend, April, had to work in the morning so between me and Steve eating lunch late and then finding a place to park we didn't get to the con until 2. We got into the lobby and I felt totally screwed over; how was I going to find recognizable clothing in the midst of cosplayers with wings and pleather?
We trusted luck. We were just in time to miss the Inuyasha VA cast doing their thing and decided to sit down and listen to the ADV panel and then -
Steve: There's a girl with a Russian type hat. And it looks like it has pins on it.
It was Shar. Somehow Steve has managed to find her in the midst of a crowd. Go him.
So we met up! Then we did the rounds, listening to the ADV people, meandering into the Fanfic panel, and then to the -
Yeah. The staff wanted everyone out of the dealer's room so that they could go see the cosplay or something dumb like that. They closed the doors at 5:30 even though the room itself wasn't closed until 6. The dealers inside weren't too happy and neither was I.
But using my Begging no Jutsu, we all got in. I picked up OP 31, Nana 9, plushie GMG, and a cutie Carue plush key chain (which the dealer called 'Runs Fast.' I think I know where he's getting his OP fix...) Pretty good for five minutes of shopping, eh?
We went back up to cosplay. There were major technical difficulties with the microphones, so anyone who hadn't brought their skit pre-tape recorded was completely SOL. (Unless they had excellent vocal projection which most of them didn't, a surprising thing since most fangurls can rival dolphins in their abilities to make ears bleed.) We spent most of our time being confused and asking, "What'd they say?" The MC spent a lot of time ripping on Inuyasha fans; something I'm sure the VA cast appreciated since four hours later they were still outside the ballroom signing autographs. OMG fangirls LET THEM REST!
There was a random Luffy at the con. Shar said she'd seen some Zoro's and a Sanji or two as well.
We decided to ditch the cosplay we couldn't hear and went out to eat Thai. It was teh good and we spent most of the time not talking about anime. Remember, Shar. Cloud Forest. Ripline. The one fatality was a pig. ^_^
All in all - it was my first con and I only stayed a half day. On the other hand, I got to hang out with some awesome people I don't often(ever?) get to see and I didn't spend money I don't have anyway. I say the con was a success.
And it's a good warm up for this summer.
:: 4:35 PM
[+] ::
:: Thursday, January 22, 2004 ::
Ganked from Nik dosetsu wants you to take an anime/manga you're crazy about and list the song you associate with each character. I will do it. Though some of my associations are a little bit detailed.songs for characters of your favorite anime. Even though I kinda do this with the Karaoke Til You Bleed section of S.T.
Luffy - "Song For You" - MONGOL 800
Zoro - "Eye of the Tiger" - Survivor
Nami - "Legend of a Cowgirl" - Imani Coppola (she got it in one.)
Usopp - "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" - The Beatles
Sanji - "Hot In Here" - Nelly
Chopper - "The Animal Song" - Savage Garden
Vivi - "Strange Little Girl" - Tori Amos
Nico - "Fingertips" - Poe
Random Silly Stuff which does not mean that I support couples or anything just that I find these good songs and man, i do protest a bit don't I?: Kohza - "Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover" - Sophie B. Hawkins *koff* Kuro - "Sick and Beautiful" - Artificial Joy Club
Jango and Fullbody - "The Safety Dance" - Men with Hats
Kohza/Vivi - "9 Times A Day" - Xavier Rudd (yeah I could have said Desert Rose but that would have been a bit obvious)
Ace - "Firestarter" - Prodigy
Lu/Nami - "All You Wanted" - Michelle Branch (which wouldn't be that weird since Luffy's seiyuu is female)
Mr. 9/Vivi - "Secret Agent Man" - Johnny Rivers
Pell - "All Along the Watchtower" - Jimi Hendrix
Marines - "One Way or Another" - Blondie
:: 12:35 AM
[+] ::
So now that I got over the huge writer's block, the flood gates are open but all I'm doing is getting flashes of parody Watermark in my head.
Chapter 21: Fight. Party. Frustration.
Kohza: I hate you.
Roger: I hate you too.
Vivi: Be friends? Please?
Both: ... okay.
Panchai: Let's have a party!
Eric: GIRLS!!!!
Alabina: *dances*
Vivi: *dances*
Pell and Urgano (to any male): If you even look at her funny, I kill you.
Kohza: *drinks himself unconscious in anger and sexual frustration*
Roger: *purposely blinds himself*
Urgano: *drinks coffee*
Pell: *drinks coffee*
And there's more. I need to STOP this. But I can't.
Alabasta/Alias Parody (spoilers for the Alabasta Arc and Alias too...)
Vivi (as Sydney): Hi, I'm an undercover agent trying to take down the agency I work for because they're the bad guys and hurting the country I love.
Mr. 9 (as Dixon): I'm her partner. I work for the bad 'bad' guys, but I don't really know that.
Croc (as Sloane): I'm the bad guy. And I have amazing style. People said so.
Miss All Sunday (as Irina Derevko): I'm bad, wait I'm not! Wait, I am! ooo~ Mysterious me.
Igaram (as Jack): I am undercover and also know the truth about the bad guy.
Kohza (as Will): I'm the friend who's screwing everything up by being so persistent in my attempt to save the faceless proletariat who are being affected by the bad guy's schemes. And one time we had s-
Miss Merry Christmas (as Anna Espinoza): LOOK! Look at my lips. They are HUGE.
Poneglyph (as Rambaldi Artifacts): My presence in the world bodes ill for all sentient lifeforms.
Luffy (as Vaughn): Me? I help the heroine by being her guardian angel! We go on adventures together! Oh and sometimes we have s-
Not one but two chapters of Watermark! Advice: You might want to re-read chapters 17 and 18. I had to and I'm the freakin Author.
PS There is no kissy kissy.
Reins, you're reading Gokusen? Yosh! We will join the closest yakuza branch (and perhaps have sexay sexay lawyers get us out of scrapes with the law? Oh yeah. ;9 ). If we cannot join, then we will start our own!
Lyn dahling, tell me where to dump it and it will be yours.
I am so slow. I was perusing Nik'ssalad days and found a link for this *awesome* Chaka and Pell fancomic. It's drawn so purty and is all angsty and romantic and has lots of Chopper and Vivi too. So go look at her site and find the link and read it (or look at the pretty pictures. Either is good.)
Also, thanks to Jingu.J and her fabuloso colored picture of Tashigi kicking ass. (I didn't provide the link because I wasn't sure if that was okay...)
Fiddled with the comments for Roz, who is/was/probably will still have problems with them.
And if anyone gets the remixes of the new OP image songs please tell me. I loved Nami's remix (can we say Ibiza? I think we can!) and I wanna see if the others rawk on like hers.
:: 7:55 PM
[+] ::
:: Monday, January 12, 2004 ::
Deki - frickin - ta! Part of the Secret Project is complete and has been sent to you, FB! As a reward to myself I set up a new layout. Look at me slowly improving... And there's pink, an amazingly rare occurence. But I like pink today. Who knows what will happen tomorrow?
I give my mighty thankees to Jingu J for taking up the Tashigi challenge.
I now plug Lock and Bastion. I find this a highly enjoyable read. It takes place in the OP-verse, but doesn't cannibalize it. The summary by the author:
It follows the adventures of two girls that accidentally eat Devil Fruit while doing some scavenging. Just a warning, the first chapter is drawn HORRIBLY compared to the second. <- this bit being a silly warning. We all have scanner trouble, right? Right.
But seriously - go read it. The last three chapters almost induced "chocolate milk out the nose" syndrome. And that's saying alot; I have excellent control over my bodily functions. ^_^
:: 5:00 PM
[+] ::
:: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 ::
I finally got a good look at the Prince from the Prince of Persia.
Me: Is that -
*blinks and blinks again*
Me: - young COBRA?
It's the facial hair.
Holy crud. I have got to lay off the ... something.
:: 10:31 PM
[+] ::
:: Monday, January 05, 2004 ::
These are a Few of My Favorite Things aka
Tashigi as St. Michael
Tashigi with armor and a cape and wings. Tashigi with a sword in one hand and scales in the other. Tashigi stepping on the back of a demon (pirate?) right before she stabs him in the head. JUSTICE!
Jingu J - I wanted to thank you for the reviews on but I didn't have an email to reply to, so I'm glad you left a comment! And please feel free to illustrate anything! I love seeing what other people imagine when I write. ^_^
Elaine - thanks! I know exactly which guardian-demon you're talking about just didn't know it was called that!
:: 12:25 AM
[+] ::